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Managing assignments
Dan Iten avatar
Written by Dan Iten
Updated over a week ago

In the Manage Assignments tab, you’ll be able to view your people’s progress on their assignments and also un-assign training that they have received.

Once you are on this page, you’ll see all of the assignments for everyone in your organization. We’ve created several ways to filter this list to quickly and easily locate their assignments.

  • You can choose a role from the Role filter to show only people that you have assigned to a specific role.

  • You can choose a status from the Status filter to show only people who have Not Started training on an assignment, those who are In Progress, or everyone who has completed.

  • You can choose the title of a course or pathway from the Assignment filter to only show people who have been assigned specific training.

  • Or, you can type any part of a person’s name into the search bar to narrow your search down to a single person.

  • Once you find the assignment you are looking for, you can drill down and see their progress

  • See their progress and on assessment, you can drill down even further by selecting the individual step to view their results. If you need to change the due date, you simply click on the Change Due Date button and you can give someone more time to complete an assignment, or simply remove the date altogether.

The Manage Assignments page is also where you will go to unassign training. It’s as simple as selecting those you want to unassign from, whether that’s one, many, or all, and then hit the red unassign button.

  • Unassigning training from someone completely removes it from that individual's Your Training page, and if they started through courses, it removes their progress too. So if you reassign the training to them, they’ll have to start over.

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