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Customizing an existing course
Dan Iten avatar
Written by Dan Iten
Updated over a week ago

Start by using the Search Training menu button and search for the specific course title you're looking for. After selecting your course from search, you can choose to Customize that course and adapt it for your organization, using the (Customize) button at the top right.

You'll be asked to give this course a new name. Once you have created your new Course, you are brought into the Course Builder. This is the home for all things customization! Keep in mind, you can quickly copy this new course as a template for another training if you wanted.

The course builder allows you to add new steps to the course OR use can use the trash icons to remove (or re-order) any steps in the course.

Use the blue "Try It Out" button as you build to ensure your training is exactly how you want it to be used by those going through it!

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